I have a feeling this week's theme will be "patience"...
Hopefully I'll hear something back from my insurance/doctor for the surgery; hopefully my toe will feel all better so I can exercise; hopefully I can do a little bit of shopping for vacation (2 1/2 more weeks!) and hopefully I can successfully map out a menu for the rest of the month, one that equals no grocery shopping until June (I think I can do it!).
...On LapBandTalk forums today, seems like mixed nuts as to what I can expect/ how quickly I can get this process going... every day since I've made the decision to get banded I wake up and notice something new I hate about being fat / another reason to lose the excess weight.. today's issue? Roll Rash. If you're fat, you know what that means.
... So, grant me patience, it will be worth it in the end!
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