Monday, September 27

Long time no blog

So, to fast-forward several months, I have now been approved for the Lap-Band, completed all the pre-op appointments and have a surgery date looming in less than 2 weeks (10/8/2010 at 8am).

In addition to committing myself to a new way of life, a new relationship with food, and an ultimate "new me", I also commit to at least twice weekly blog updates. I'm also thinking of adding the following sections to the blog:

Timeline - inclusive of all events from first doctor's appointment to final weigh-in and all in between
"I hate the Fat" - weekly reminders of what I hate about being fat
Motivation - quotes, successes, funnies etc
Links - no explanation needed, right?
Other Stuff- what else is going in with my life

Hopefully will re-join you soon...

Since the last post - approved, doctor-appointmented to near death, and ups-and downs in regards to personal changes... due to an injury I slacked off on my exercise videos (which were kicking my ass by the way!) but I did join the gym at work and occasionally go on long walks during lunch break (I'd estimate 3/4 of a mile to 1 mile). Dieting going mostly healthy, but I don't want to waste too much food, so I had been trying to "eat up" reserves (mostly of rice - now almost completely out and will donate the excess to a local food bank or something)... It's been insanely hot this week (110 degrees in COASTAL Orange County, CA today) so I confess I had a frozen yogurt (oops!) but I really needed it.... I don't do well in heat over 78 degrees.... i actually feel sick, i think this is because i tend to run a few degrees hot anyway.

See you next time!